2012年6月13日 星期三

「儲存易」轉倉大優惠 - 「三 」葵篇 by Storefriendly Self Storage Group 13/06/12

Storefriendly Moving Special Offer  
(Kwai Fong, Kwai Chung, Kwai Hing District)

Enjoy 20% Off * Self Storage Offer for New Customer  
(bring with relative self storage documents from other Storage companies)

[此優惠期由13/06/2012 至 31/08/2012]
[Promotion period from 13/06/2012 – 31/08/2012]

        Offer Terms & Conditions :
 - 此優惠期由13/06/2012 至 31/08/2012,屆滿即止。
       Promotion period from 13/06/2012 – 31/08/2012.
 - 客戶必須出示現有其他迷你倉証明方可獲此優惠。
       Customers must provide relative self storage documents from other storage companies
       to enjoy the offer.
    -  此優惠只適用現於葵芳、葵涌及葵興區使用其他迷你倉之轉倉新客戶。
       Only new customers of other storage companies at Kwai Fong, Kwai Chung &
       Kwai Hing District can enjoy the offer.
       (not valid to existing Storefriendly customers). *
    -  客戶須預繳最少1個月租倉月費。
       Customers must prepay storage rental fees minimum for 1 month to enjoy the offer.
    -  客戶須繳付2個月正價之租倉月費作為按金。
       Customers must make a deposit of 2months regular storage rental fees to enjoy
       the offer.
    -  此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。
       Cannot be used with other privileged offers.
    -  須受儲存易有關條款約束,詳情請致電24小時服務熱線:82020811或向有關優惠之
       Offer validity is subject to Storefriendly terms & conditions.
       Please contact 24 hours hotline : 8202 0811 or participated branches.
    -  如有任何爭議,儲存易迷你倉集團保留最終決定使用權。
        If there is any dispute, Storefriendly’s final decision shall prevail.
    -  優惠只適用於葵芳、葵涌及葵興區分店如下:*
       This Offer only valid for Kwai Fong, Kwain Chung and Kwai Hing District Branches
       which includes: *
         > 葵芳(東方)分行 Kwai Fong (Eastern) Branch
               Flt. A, 5/F, Eastern Ind. Bldg., 42-50 Kwai Ting Rd., Kwai Fong
         > 葵涌(有利)分行 Kwai Chung (Mercantile) Branch
               Unit B, 7/F, Mercantile Ind. & Warehouse Bldg., 16-24 Ta Chuen Ping St.,
               Kwai Chung
         > 葵興(貴盛)分行 Kwai Hing (Kwai Shing) Branch
               8/F, Kwai Shing Ind. Bldg., Phase 1, 36-40 Tai Lin Pai Rd., Kwai Hing
         > 葵興(錦濱)分行 Kwai Hing (Kam Bun) Branch
               Rm. A, 3/F, Kam Bun Ind. Bldg., 13-19 Kwai Wing Rd., Kwai Hing